Policy In Action Plenum – March 5, 2024
Sometimes building a network feels nebulous – like there are so many possibilities floating around, yet one gust of wind could be enough to swirl some of them together and bring them down to land on the ground to become something new. At the December MFJN Leadership Team and Backbone Intensive, a few of those wind currents converged into what could become a beautiful new seasonal pattern for us – the first ever MFJN Policy In Action Plenum! The floating seeds of relationship-building, skill-building and resource sharing, and a policy platform blossomed on March 5 into a bouquet of 70 people, 25 organizations, 8 deep dive conversation tables, 9 legislative visits, 1 committee hearing, and many more ideas and actions that will continue to grow and bloom! Many thanks to Policy Action Co-leads Leah Gardner (Hunger Solutions) and Nikki Warner (The Good Acre) and everyone who attended and helped nourish this event! Here’s a snapshot of beauty from across our three themes of the day:

“What excites me about this network is the unity we feel by all of us wanting to be a part of the solution to resolve food insecurity in MN. The energy was palpable while we made connections and shared resources.
Just hearing from others in food distribution the amount of participants that are seeking help is increasing helped validate the impact that we are feeling on the frontlines. “
-Mariana Oaxaca (Neighborhood House)
“As an ED of a member organization, it’s incredible to see the ripple effect of the plenum. The “linked arms” collective action in the policy work that’s happening doesn’t just stay limited to the halls of the Capitol. I saw how that energy from the plenum came back to TGA in team members. That’s the power of building community, it reverberates and keeps going beyond the single action. In my mind, that’s how systems change happens!”
-Theresa McCormick (The Good Acre)

“Thank you so much for allowing me to add my bill. At other lobby days where I was too late to make it on the legislative platforms, I don’t want to add my bill and distract from the already long list that people have to go through. Nikki introducing me to this group, and this group openly embracing my work meant a lot for me, especially since me as one person could not have organized so many people going to different elected officials. Thank you from my heart.
[Legislative visits] went really well. I was nervous and so grateful to have a group of supporters there along with find another coauthor. I was also really grateful to be able to talk with Leah and Marita, who have a lot more experience. Just learning that I wasn’t the only one stuck in jacketing made me feel less alone. There isn’t really a rulebook or anyone to follow, and I’m learning that as great as the LAs [legislative assistants] are, they are also learning on the job. So when you’re stuck and feel like you’re the only one, it is heavy and you feel like you’re letting people down. Talking to others in the same position and who even had to do this a couple of times really helped me emotionally and also is helping me consider future jobs where I might be able to do this advocacy again next year as part of my work.”
-Jocelyn Leung
We presented MFJN’s first policy platform ever! The reflections below come with much gratitude to Policy Action Team co-leads Leah Gardner (Hunger Solutions) and Nikki Warner (The Good Acre), plus all the representatives that listened, shared their own stories, and committed to advancing food justice policies this session:

Rep. Frazer
Rep. Hassan
Rep. Xiong
Sen. Champion
Sen. Mohamed
Rep. Perez-Vega
Rep Bierman
Rep. Vang Her
Sen. Murphy
“What an unforgettable day it’s been at the capital, embracing the energy alongside my allies from the @mfjnmn ! Today was all about bringing our policy dreams to life. I was supported and encouraged to champion a bill that’s close to my heart, aimed at uplifting the culinary workforce, a cause I’ve poured my soul into for years. The chance to dialogue with legislators like @senchampion and state representatives @rep.hodan.hassan & @repjayxiong , advocating for further guidance and support for this bill, was nothing short of inspiring. I’m overflowing with gratitude for the powerful community standing with me, including warriors like @swaggermom612 and @nikkididit . We made our mark on the capital today, and I’m brimming with pride for the difference we’re poised to make. Stay connected for more updates on this policy journey I am embarking on!”
-Lachelle Cunningham (Frogtown Farm, Healthy Roots Institute)